Highest level in oblivion
Highest level in oblivion

highest level in oblivion

Once you've reached level 10, find the Shrine of Nocturnal.You get a good resistance ring out of it (levelled, of course). She’ll ask you to investigate him, and the quest is fairly straightforward, with an easy two-person fight at the end. Speak to Jensine in the Imperial City Market District about Thoronir (you may have to ask some of the other shopkeepers about Rumours to unlock the topic).Azura’s quest will net you a soul gem that doesn’t disappear once you use the soul inside, and that can hold the highest level of souls. You’ll need to purchase the dust from an alchemist at low levels (since Will-o-Wisps don’t appear til later), but it should be fairly cheap. Find the Shrine of Azura (NNW of Cheydinhal) with an offering of glow dust.If you complete all the tasks, you get ownership of the White Stallion Inn, a cheap place to rest and store things until you can afford a house. Speak to the count of Leyawiin he’ll ask you to work with an Orcish knight and eventually get rid of some Black Bandits.Much easier than saving up thousands of gold for a house. Speak to the innkeeper again for your reward: a permanent room in the inn with a container in which to store things.

highest level in oblivion highest level in oblivion

Speak to the innkeeper to get the quest, head to the nearby fort, find and speak to the wizard (he may be inside or outside), raise his disposition to 70+ (through bribes), get the scroll and the ring, return to town, equip the ring and cast the scroll.

  • In the village of Aleswell (N of the Imperial City), everyone is invisible.
  • The reward is a water-breathing ring, ridiculously handy at this stage. Your compass will point you to the fish (in succession), and they‘re a little difficult but not impossible (the hardest part is learning to fight while swimming).
  • In the village of Weye (just W of the Imperial City), Aelwin will ask you to get some slaughterfish scales for him.
  • Avoiding Kvatch will forestall this indefinitely. Since the enemies are scaled, they won't be insurmountable, just a growing nuisance. Entering Kvatch will trigger a global event that causes hell-portals to open up all over the map. You may or may not want to do this right away.
  • After completing the first main quest task upon leaving the intro dungeon, you will be directed to the city of Kvatch.
  • You'll run into some good intro quests to get you started with some decent items and rewards.

    highest level in oblivion

    BUT, when you're starting the game, it's a good idea to do a circuit of the roads around the Imperial City.This is a lie - you will probably get attacked by more bandits travelling by road than you would by just beelining through the wilderness. The game will tell you that it's safer to travel by roads.

    Highest level in oblivion